
  • Excellent sourcing database
  • Spans across large a geographic region
  • Excellent supply system in place to handle European and American orders
yarn when you need it

Our services include:

pictureAs agents:
We believe that as a manufacturer, you should maintain very high standards of the product. Let us manage your marketing with our knowledge of the evolving trends and future markets, we definitely provide an edge.

pictureAs Buyers:
We understand your concern in sourcing quality products from India, Bangladesh and Nepal. With vast resources and a constant watch over the markets, we understand your concern and will source only the best products. As your representative, we ensure that all your goods are tested at the best laboratories and the results sent to you, for your approval.

pictureFor both, buyers and sellers:
We offer a sense of security to both parties, as you can rely upon our timeless experience, in this field, to get you the best channels available in the market, to power your business.

An edge, that only indiYarn provides.

Now get the best deals on your imports by partnering with the best agents in the business.